HP0502A10ANP01 Replacement MP Filtri Oil Filter


The HP0502A10ANP01 replacement MP Filtri oil filter element adopts high-quality glass fiber and metal mesh filter material, and the end cap is made of stamped metal or plastic material, and the filtra

Model: HP0502A10ANP01

Filtration Accuracy: 5um

Brand: Huayuan Filter

Material: Glass fiber

Outer diameter: 52MM

High: 111

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The HP0502A10ANP01 replacement MP Filtri oil filter element adopts high-quality glass fiber and metal mesh filter material, and the end cap is made of stamped metal or plastic material, and the filtration accuracy ranges from 1-100 microns. Widely used in metallurgy, electric power, chemical industry, papermaking and other fields.

Technical data

Filter material: high-quality glass fiber filter material

Filtration precision: from 1, 3, 6, 12, 25...μm Filtration ratio: X≧100

Structural strength: 1.0Mpa, 2.0Mpa, 16.0Mpa, 21.0Mpa

Scope of application: used for oil pressure filtration of hydraulic and lubricating systems to filter out pollutants in the system and ensure the normal operation of the system


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