HSP-30410 Oil Separation Filter Cartridge Manufacturer


HSP-30410 oil separation filter element is made of high-quality 10-micron filter paper through folding process. It has the characteristics of large filter area and easy installation. It can be used in

Model: HSP-30410

Size: Standard size


Material: high quality filter paper

Origin: China

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HSP-30410 oil Separation filter element is made of high-quality 10-micron filter paper through folding process. It has the characteristics of large filter area and easy installation. It can be used in the filtration of Hangkou kerosene and diesel oil, and the filtration efficiency is as high as 99.9%. , The separation filter element can be used with the Coalescing filter element to achieve higher filtration effect.

Silicon-treated Separators (HSP) – HSP elements are also designed for use with RV Series Filter Vessels that have been installed as a fuel filter / water separator. With silicon-impregnated cellulose paper, these filters offer a large media surface area for maximum filtration capacity and long life. Separators are part of a two-filter system and require a coalescer pre-filter. After determining the correct separator, the “Related Parts” field will show the appropriate coalescer to purchase.


1.Removes water that enters the system through condensation in the fuel tank. Any water present in the fuel stream will support bacterial growth, which can cause clogged filters and result in the formation of corrosive acids. Susceptible components then rust and corrode, leading to erosion and wear of critical fuel system components.

2. Prevents costly injector damage and increases operational life of downstream filters.

3.Saves time and money by eliminating unplanned maintenance and unscheduled downtime from system component failure.

Related models:

RVFS-1 HOCP-15801 HOCP-15805 HOCP-15810 HOCP-15825 HOCP-15840 

RVFS-2 HOCP-30801 HOCP-30805HOCP-30810HCP-308255HOCP-30840

RVFS-3 HOCP-44801 HOCP-44805 HOCP-44810 HOCP-44825 HOCP-44840 

***HSP Separator Cartridge-Pleated Paper

RVFS-1 HSP-15401 HSP-15405 HSP-15410 HSP-15425 

RVFS-2 HSP-30401 HSP-30405 HSP-30410 HSP-30425 

RVFS-3 HSP-44401 HSP-44405 HSP-44410 HSP-44425

Technical data

Model: HSP-30410

Filtration precision: 10 microns

Material: filter paper

Filter media: kerosene, diesel, etc.


Manufacturer: Xinxiang Huayuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.


1.Diesel and Biodiesel Engines



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