5576-02 5576-03 Norgren air filter


5576-02 Norgren air filter is a high-performance filter element that is resistant to high temperature, acid and alkali. It can be installed in the filter to filter and remove impurities in the air. Th

Model: 5576-02, 5576-03

Filtration Accuracy: 25um

Brand: Norgren

Outer diameter: Standard size

High: 68

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5576-02 Norgren Air filter is a high-performance filter element that is resistant to high temperature, acid and alkali. It can be installed in the filter to filter and remove impurities in the air. This filter can be used in the power industry, metallurgical industry, chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry and other fields. It is generally recommended to replace it every 5-8 months.

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5576-01 air filter





Technical data

Model: 5576-01

Outer diameter: 57/50mm

Inner diameter: 50/43mm

Height: 68mm

TAG: Air filter

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