HC9020FCS8Z Replacement PALL Hydraulic Oil Filter Manufacturer


Replacing Pall filter element HC9020FCS8Z HC9100FKZ13H for hydraulic and lubricating systems, filtering out solid particles, colloidal substances and other pollutants in the working medium, effectivel

Model: HC9020FCS8Z

Filtration Accuracy: 10um


Material: stainless steel

Outer diameter: stainless steel

High: 16 inches

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Replacing Pall filter element HC9020FCS8Z HC9100FKZ13H for hydraulic and lubricating systems, filtering out solid particles, colloidal substances and other pollutants in the working medium, effectively controlling the contamination of the working medium, keeping the oil circuit clean, and ensuring the normal operation of the system , Can effectively extend the life of the hydraulic system.

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Technical data

Technical conditions:   

1) Differential pressure resistance of filter element: 21MPa

2) Working temperature: -10~+100℃   

3) Filtration precision: 5~20μm   

4.) Working medium: general hydraulic oil.


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