Replacement of PALL oil filter HC9601FDP16Z


The replacement PALL oil filter element HC9601FDP16Z is a high-pressure filter element, which is mainly used to filter impurities in hydraulic oil or lubricating oil, and the filtration accuracy can r

Model: HC9601FDP16Z

Filtration Accuracy: 10um


Material: Glass fibre

Outer diameter: stainless steel

High: stainless steel

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The replacement PALL oil filter element HC9601FDP16Z is a high-pressure filter element, which is mainly used to filter impurities in hydraulic oil or lubricating oil, and the filtration accuracy can reach 1-50 microns. The end cap is made of stainless steel machining process, and the filter material is made of HV glass fiber. Generally, it is widely used in power plants, steel mills, machining and other industries.

Technical data

HC9601FCS16H filter element Pall PALL oil filter filter

HC9601FDS16H HC8300FUT8H wind power hydraulic station oil filter

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Pall lube oil filter element HC9601FCN8H/HC9601FDN8H

Hydraulic oil filter HC9601FDP4H

HC8314FKS16H, HC9601FDP13Z Pall filter element

Hydraulic oil filter HC9601FMT13Z

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